samedi, juillet 27, 2024
20.7 C

Redavia Deploys First Solar Farm in Kenya at Menengai Farmers Ltd

Redavia Deploys First Solar Farm in Kenya at Menengai Farmers Ltd



Redavia, a global market leader of cost-effective, reliable, and clean solar power for businesses, deployed its first solar farm in Kenya for Menengai Farmers Ltd tea farm in Tigoni. – For the first 20 years of its operations, Menengai Farmers Ltd successfully grew tea without any large electrical demands. However, in the mid-80’s, weather patterns in Tigoni changed requiring the installation of an irrigation system.



As the tea farm and irrigation system have grown, so have Menengai Farmer Ltd’s energy needs, putting a strain on their operational budget.

Menengai Farmers Ltd turned to Redavia for a cost-efficient solution. Redavia provides solar energy under a flexible lease contract, enabling Menengai Farmers Ltd to reduce costs and increase their operational flexibility

Designed for maximum ease, Redavia’s contract also includes installation, maintenance, and 24/7 technical monitoring. REDAVIA’s onsite engineers deployed the solar ground mount unit at the Menengai Farmers Ltd site. After a smooth deployment and early operation period, both parties are already planning to scale up the solar farm with a second phase of energy storage, allowing for independence from the national grid.

“We are happy to have found a company to manage the electrical costs of our irrigation system,” said Gideon Katiku, Farm Manager of Menengai Farmers Ltd. “The savings we make with REDAVIA will allow us to continue to grow our farm.”

Erwin Spolders, CEO & founder of REDAVIA, confirms, “Solar power reduces costs, generating savings that can be reinvested into the business, while also reducing the carbon footprint of the business. It’s a win-win scenario.”


*Source: AETOSWire


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