mardi, mars 11, 2025
29.1 C

ICT University – Ayuk Takemeyang Bags PhD Degree

Ayuk Takemeyang Bags PhD Degree

►► A PhD Thesis titled “Linking Financial Literacy, Social Capital and Financial Inclusion Among Women Entrepreneurs in Manyu Division, Cameroon”



By │Was successful defended by the candidate Ayuk Takemeyang last September 19, 2024 at the Faculty of Business Management and Sustainability in the ICT University, Terry and Linda Hall, before a constituted jury made up of the following members:

Chair: Prof. Tambi Daniel Mbu of the University of Bamenda

Co-Chair: Prof. Fonkoua Pierre of the ICT University

Supervisor: Prof Alain Vilard Ndi Isoh of the ICT University

External Examiner: Professor Kehbuma Langmia of the Howard University USA

Internal Examiner 1: Dr Abdallah Ziraba of the ICT University

Internal Examiner 2: Dr Penn Emmanuel M of the ICT University




The work builds a framework to link financial literacy, social capital and financial inclusion among women entrepreneurs in Manyu Division, Cameroon by examining the extent to which financial literacy affect financial inclusion through social capital mediation among women entrepreneurs in Manyu Division.

His research provides a holistic solution to the problem of financial exclusion among women entrepreneurs in Manyu Division in particular and Cameroon in general. In-fact, issues related to financial literacy, social capital and financial inclusion are top in the policy agenda of most countries and international organizations in the World today as stipulated by the Sustainable Development Goal number three (SDG 3) of the United Nations Organization. The candidate in his thesis argues convincingly and scientifically that financial inclusion can be achieve through using financial literacy programmes such as financial technical workshops aim at creating awareness on the relevant of financial literacy on financial inclusion and social capital in Manyu Division in particular and Cameroon in general. This is a wise-step towards business performance and amelioration of economic well-being.



His research work is of contemporary relevance and significant and can help policy makers in Cameroon in the development and implementation of its financial inclusion strategy. He uses the positivism epistemology and the ontology of objectivism and adopted a quantitative research method in the study.

He shows that financial inclusion has a wide range of positive effect on entrepreneurial activities. He stated that efforts to increase financial inclusion can emphasized on financial literacy provided through both formal and informal training and education and with due recognition that people’s financial behaviour and practices may also be motivated by interactions, belongingness and interpersonal relationship. This work is structured in five chapters and addresses an aspect of discriminatory practices against women which is financial exclusion.

Ayuk uses a quantitative research method in which survey data was collected from a sample of 466 women entrepreneurs in Manyu Division. The presentation of the work is both thematic and chronological and because of the need to quickly quantify and analyze data, this study uses the positivist or realist philosophy.

The sources exploited for the work are fairly rich and recent and arguments and conclusion are original of the author. The work is well illustrated with 20 figures and 57 tables. Both front and end matters are well done. The contents are arranged in a way to give clear logic to the issues raised and discuss in each chapter. Items of appendices are fairly quite relevant and helpful in appreciating the work. The relevant scientific methodology was well respected.




Ayuk Takemeyang (PhD) is a chief of service in one of the Ministry of secondary Education decentralized service. He is a researcher and a holder of a B.Sc. (Hons) degree in Economics from the University of Buea, a post graduate Diploma in Economic Sciences from the University of Bamenda, a Master’s degree in International Banking and Finance from the University of Yaounde II and now PhD in Business Management and Sustainability with focus in Finance from the ICT University, Cameroon. He is a fine product of the University par excellence.

A former GCE Advanced level Economics examiner in the Cameroon General Certificate Education Board (CGCEB). Dr. Ayuk is today a Columnist in many newspapers and Guest Writer for many Magazines. He is the Director of the Ntantang Research and Consulting Center. He has also taught Finance and Banking related courses in many private and public higher institutions in Cameroon. It is worth noting that Dr Ayuk intellectual savvy pushed him to publish four peer review scientific articles prior to his PhD degree defense. He is married and a father of six children.



By │Joseph Ayangma





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