dimanche, décembre 22, 2024
26.3 C

Chantal BIYA Intl Cycling Tour : Achraf in Yellow, Kuere Nunawe In Blue

Chantal BIYA Intl Cycling Tour : Achraf in Yellow, Kuere Nunawe In Blue

The first lap of the Chantal BIYA Intl Cycling Tour took place on Tuesday, October 3 with the criterium in Kribi that was won by Moroccan cyclist El Khabi Achraf

However, all attention was focused on the Cameroonian cyclists. Rodrigue Kuere Nunawe took home the Blue jersey of the best Cameroonian of the lap and general classification.
As tradition demands, Camtel accompanied the cyclists throughout this first lap in Kribi. The incumbent telecommunications operator from start to finish put a special that trailed the cyclists to cheer them up and provide support till the finish line.
The atmosphere was equally blue for the population that turned out in their numbers to cheer up the athletes. It was all smiles for these spectators who received several gadgets as gifts from Camtel that ensure nobody returned home without feeling the taste of its generosity.
Camtel is now looking to paint the race course completely blue as the cyclist go through the South Region before the final finish in Yaounde on Saturday.

Un point c’est blue!




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